Thursday, July 24, 2014

Does Tim Hortons care about the nutritional value of their food?

I have been corresponding with Tim Hortons on the nutritional value, or lack thereof, of their baked goods. Also about the sodium content of their food. I originally sent them a cook book I self published. This prompted them calling me, and I now have spoken to them twice. I recently sent them another email, which they responded with another request to talk to me by phone. Here is my reply to them.


Dear Tims,

I'm not sure what another phone call can accomplish. I have spoken to you twice now, and both times I have felt that my concerns have not been adequately addressed.

I get the feeling that although you receive my concerns in writing, that Tims is loathe to respond to my concerns in writing. I am guessing it is because it is easier to placate people with platitudes over the phone, since platitudes don't work as well when written down. Maybe I'm wrong.

I am still of the opinion that there is way too much sodium content in your products, and your muffins are full of sugar and fat, with little if any nutritional value.

I went to dinner last night with a good friend. Her husband had a severe heart attack in January. She was telling me that sometimes after her numerous doctor appointments she must drive her husband to because of his severe heart damage, she occasionally would like to just pick up some take out food since she is too exhausted to cook. There isn't one single take out place where she can go and purchase this that isn't laden with salt. I realize that Tim's is just one of many such places, but it is the one I am most familiar with considering that over the years we have spent literally thousands of dollars at your restaurants.

I sent you my cook book which has numerous healthy nutritional muffin ideas and a granola bar recipe that are extremely tasty, low fat and high fibre. These are examples of what can be done with baked goods if one tries. I came up with these recipes in a tiny kitchen because I cared. Surely Tim's with hundreds of staff, and your many nutritionists, dietitians, cooks, with the benefit of large industrial sized kitchens, can come up with some nutritional recipes for its billions of customers? Instead I see donuts with sugary sprinkles, coloured gobs of icing in fancy shapes, and muffins with next to zero nutritional value.

I use all kinds of real wholesome ingredients in my baking like bananas, pineapple, apple sauce, raisins, oat bran, whole wheat, spelt, and lots of rolled oats. Recently I've been experimenting with using soy flour and gluten free flour. I do all this in my tiny kitchen with no staff. Is Tims experimenting in this way in their large kitchens? I see no sign of it.

I would love to see some concrete changes made to Tims nutritional values of its baked goods, or at the very least, alternatives to your existing baked products. I understand Tim's need to sell product, but when all the new baked goods I see are all very pretty, colourful, sugar and fat laden donuts and muffins devoid of any nutrition, I don't see how you and I talking about this will do anything to further real change at your restaurants. You are well aware of my thoughts on the subject.

I would be happy to know if and when Tims decides to do something about providing its customers with some real nutritional alternatives.

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